About 9:45 a.m.
The police inform the administration that there has been another shooting. Virginia Tech President Charles Steger hears sounds like gunshots and sees police running toward Norris Hall.
Back in 207 Norris Hall, the German class, two uninjured students and two injured students go to the door and hold it shut with their feet and hands, keeping their bodies away. Within two minutes, Cho returns. He beats on the door and opens it an inch and fires shots around the door handle, then gives up trying to get in.
Cho returns to room 211, the French class, and goes up one aisle and down another, shooting people again. Cho shoots Goddard again twice more.
A janitor sees Cho in the hall on the second floor loading his gun; he flees downstairs.
Cho tries to enter room 204 where engineering professor Liviu Librescu is teaching mechanics. Librescu braces his body against the door, yelling for students to head for the window. He is shot through the door. Students push out screens and jump or drop to grass or bushes below the window. Ten students escape this way. The next two students trying to escape are shot.
Cho returns again to room 206 and shoots more students.